Coach Seminar in Tromso


On Friday and Saturday before these Championships began, the EBL Youth committee hosted a seminar for Federation’s Youth Delegates. 28 delegates from 15 countries attended. Chairman  of the Youth committee and for the Seminar was Micke Melander of Sweden.

The structure of the seminar after the introductions was:

Session 1: Preparing to teach young people to play bridge
Session 2: The actual bridge course with material depending on the age group
Session 3: How to get youngsters to transfer to playing regularly at a club
Session 4: Communication with young bridge-players, including Facebook etc.

At the start EBL President Yves Aubry announced the EBL has a budget for assisting youth projects run by Federations and the budget was not fully spent in the first year for lack of projects. Federations are invited to apply for financial assistance for projects presented by their Youth Delegates trough the EBL Youth committee.

Mr. Aubry also noted the EBL has 7426 registered members under the age of 16 but 6600 of these are from the French Federation. This is mostly because other Federations do not register the age group. The EBL would like more registered and the numbers reported as it helps in seeking assistance from governments.

Documents from the Seminar

Opening of EBL Bridge Coach Seminar
Being a bridge coach – Gilad Ofir & Moshiko Meyouhas
Book with National Standards
Mini Bridge Booklet
Bridge Booklet 
Bridge Camps Organisation – Practical aspects
EBL Bridge Coach Seminar – Milan Macura
Group Work – Recruitment
Liepaja 2016 Youth Pairs Championships presentation
Recruitment of Juniors